Built in to the Epson P-3000 is a massive range of new and improved functions, each one designed specifically to enhance the digital photography workflow.
Folder browser function: Featuring three browser modes, the Epson P-3000 can display a 4–by–3 thumbnail matrix, an 8–by–8 thumbnail matrix or a text–based explorer tree. When the unit's cursor is positioned over a thumbnail, information is superimposed to display the file size and creation date.
Zoom In/Zoom Out function: Using the Epson P-3000's four–way scroll button, users can quickly and accurately select a specific area of an image on which to zoom in at up to 400 per cent*. From there, it's a one button press to return to the original size.
* JPEG images only. RAW data can be viewed at up to 100 per cent of the image size.
Image scroll function: The Epson P-3000's four–way scroll button provides smooth scrolling of large images, with a minimum of screen redraw, even at high magnifications.
Movie print function: The Epson P-3000 has the functionality to allow the user to extract individual movie frames and print them as standard 4–by–6 inch photographic video captures.