Development Tools
Epson offers the application developer many choices for printer and peripheral control. As a leader in POS Technology, Epson is involved in the development and support of new POS peripheral management technology, as well as the provision of tools to support existing technologies.
The ePOS platform is Epson's latest technology development empowering developers to push the boundaries of web and mobile platforms. ePOS allows App and Web developers to implement printing support across modern platforms in combination with ePOS-supported printers.
Using ePOS, printing becomes possible directly from a Web browser on devices such as computers, smart phones and tablets. In addition, ePOS is complaint with the latest web standards allowing developers to leverage the power of HTML5 for printing images and graphically rich receipts.
For Android, iOS and Windows App developers, ePos also provides native-code interface meaning Apps can print directly to Epson receipt printers by implementing the Epson ePOS SDK specific for your platform, but if the design target requires a completely platform agnostics solution, this too is possible with ePOS for XML.
For more information, please contact Epson Australia.
ESC/POS is Epson's Receipt Printer native language which has become a de-facto standard across the industry. ESC POS commands allow for extensive control of POS peripheral function. From simple control, such as operation of the Autocutter, to much more complex control, including remote monitoring of maintenance counters and printer reporting using the Automatic Status Back feature, Epson ESC POS can provide the answer.
For more information, please contact Epson Australia.
Windows Drivers
Epson Windows's drivers provide both developers and end users with a simple, flexible tool for POS peripheral control. For developers, Epson have provided a variety of Fonts, including a 'control' Font, which enables control of the peripheral by the transmission of one character. For end users, the use of Epson Windows's drivers allows them to install and configure their systems using standard Windows installation procedures. No more fiddling entering printer control codes!
Epson Windows's drivers provide support for all current printer products. Supported Ports include Serial / Parallel / USB / Network / Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
For more information, please contact Epson Australia.
The use of Epson's OPOS Application Development Kit (ADK) is an excellent choice for Windows developers. By using the OPOS drivers, both developers and end users can gain a number of important advantages over the use of Windows drivers or ESC POS control commands.
For developers, major decreases can be achieved in application development time and costs, as well as the important feature of being able to develop your application independent of hardware. You can easily include useful Windows features such as Multitasking and Multimedia. These benefits also apply to end users, but appear as decreased development costs and lead times, and the clear knowledge that there is a defined upgrade path without the need for major application source code changes.
Epson OPOS drivers provide support for all current products under current Windows platforms.
For more information, please contact Epson Australia
JavaPoS compliant drivers follow a standard set of controls, methods and properties that mirror the OPOS Specification and have the added advantage of allowing developers to produce Java based solutions for the Windows platform. All the advantages of the Epson OPOS Drivers remain, hardware independence of applications, much more simple, cheaper to build applications, and the advantage of being able to easily take advantage of Windows Multimedia.
The end result is another flexible alternative for developers.
Epson JavaPoS drivers provide support for current printer products in Windows and Linux.
For more information, please contact Epson Australia or see