Epsonow Magazine
Page 1 - Welcome

Hiroki Yamamoto, Managing Director,
Epson Australia - Epsonow Magazine Volume 1 Pty Ltd
In stark contrast to a great number of leading IT vendors, Epson's history stretches back well beyond the heady days of the silicon revolution of the seventies and eighties. It was in 1881, with the inauguration of K. Hattori & Co., Ltd that the foundations for Epson were first laid, leading to the EP (Electric Printer)-101 - the world's first mini-printer - in September 1969.
The printer's incredible success marked the beginning of Epson's multi-faceted business expansion; an expansion that led to the formal adoption of the Epson name in 1975, expressing the company's determination to produce many worthy "sons" of the EP-101. This determination has resulted in Epson's worldwide leadership in printing and digital imaging. "In Australia, a dynamic business model has been developed to ensure new technologies and products are released quickly and efficiently to meet market needs and demands."
One such demand is for cutting-edge technology in the diverse field of digital fine arts. From children designing and printing creative party invitations to professional photographers exploring new avenues in colour printing, the groundswell of artistic expression through technology is enormous.
Evidence of this groundswell is most prominent in the area of digital photography. This is hardly surprising. Since we released the first Epson Stylus™ inkjet in 1994, there has been almost an avalanche of technological innovations. Innovations that have enhanced digital photography to the point where photo prints from even the most affordable Epson Photo printer rival the quality of a traditional silver halide photograph.
Epson's goal remains one of providing everyone with affordable technology that helps them explore the incredibly diverse world of digital imaging. As you will see in this issue of Epsonow, new advances, which include PRINT Image Matching and enhanced Lightfastness* are contributing to the richness that is modern digital photography.
Please bear in mind that Epsonow is a two-way medium. Don't hesitate to let us know exactly what you think of the publication and what you would like to see dealt with in its pages. Article subjects that you believe to be of importance will, wherever possible, be custom written for inclusion. Just let us know, either by mail to Locked Bag 2238 North Ryde BC1670 or e-mail to
* Lightfastness rating is based on accelerated testing of prints on specialty media, displayed indoors, under glass. Actual print stability will vary according to image, display conditions, light intensity, humidity and atmospheric conditions. Epson does not guarantee longevity of prints. For full test criteria information on lightfastness click here